बुधवार, 7 अप्रैल 2021

Child Marriage


                Child marriage is such a practice and the mischief of our country
that destroy the foundation of the
whole society, it is doing in today's modern era. There are many village or towns in which child marriage is common. People marry their daughter's at an early age due to fear of society, and poor girls also come under the pressure from their parents and she agrees to marry. But this is the biggest mistake of girls. She feels compelled to get married under the of society and family, but her they have to suffer all their life. Parents and family feels that the daughter is happy at her in law's house, but a little somebody go to that girl and ask what would have passed on her heart. At the age of playing, he has family responsibilities on his shoulders. Our ruthless society thinks that they doing only house work after marriage. Girls are only made-up for cooking and doing all work of their homes, they not made up for studies, they can't become responsible in life and not taking good dcision. So, they marry their girls in early age. But in the process of getting married soon do not make your beloved daughter's life hell. This is not necessary that we take away the childhood of our beloved daughter for the fear of society. In our country, people just say that, girl - boy are equal but only few families accepting this and many other families of society not accepted that girls become great in every field above the boys.

       I can't understand, what is the problem of our society? Why does the society not understand that girls can also match the boys? 
Girls should get complete freedom 
So that they can take decisions on his own and should not depend on 
a n y o n e . All this is equal rights should be given so that they can become self - sufficient. 
  I want to request all of you with folded h a n d s, that if you are 
any evil practice like child marriage around you, it is necessary to stop living at the same time and stop this illegal process. 

          At the last, I want to tell all the girls that you should decide in
your own interest not under family pressure. Ignore all the abuse word
-s of peoples. Firstly r a i s e y o u r
voice against the c h i l d marriage
and fight for your rights. T a k e an
quick action for these evil practices
prevalent in our society try to do so that our future can be bright.


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