मंगलवार, 13 अप्रैल 2021


In today's time unemployment has become a major problem of our country. The 30% peoples are umemployed out of 100%, and its reason is that lack of jobs. If only singal man earn in home but, other family members are only for eating. It means that others are unemployed. They have no any work. If this continues, then one day less employed workers are left in our country. For controlling the problem of unemployment, government give more - n - more jobs to the peoples according there qualification and skills.

There are lots of educated peoples in our country but the problem is that they are unemployed. Everyone has a best qualifications degree but it is very difficult to get a good job. After searching a jobs for long time, some rich peoples start their business. But, poor people who have no money, how to start their own business. Lifetime they work hard and study well but, at the last moment they don't get a good jobs. 
Poor people of our country who grow up reading and writing their children with so much help so that their children can become their eyes in old age. So, just think what would have passed on their hearts if their children did not get jobs. Shortage of jobs is giving rise to problems like unemployment. 

If unemployment is looked at with rest, it is looking like an epidemic which has made the people of our country lame. You all are don't know how many people are suicide due to unemployment, Because after a while, families also leave us and after their that we have to reach our destination on our own strength. How long the family also kept in home and full our all wises. One day, we have to still earn money and eat at own strength.

Due to the unemployment, many peoples are suicide under the pressure of family society in  year. Inflation is getting high day by day. In such a situation, it is very difficult for the common man to survive. How will an unemployed person live in such inflation? To eradicate problems like unemployment government need to take an action. Government have to provide more jobs to everyone according to their skills so, that our country become great and powerful in every field.

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